.NET Core Session Cookie Lifetime
The .NET Core Session Store allows it to store data server-side for the current client. Per default the cookie which identifies the client only remains in the browser until it’s closed.
Trying to change that results in the following error message:
An exception of type ‘System.InvalidOperationException’ occurred in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.dll but was not handled in user code: ‘Expiration cannot be set for the cookie defined by SessionOptions’
As a workaround we can use the Cookie Policies, which are normally used to implement the european privacy policy. It includes a callback to override the expiration time of the cookie.
One another problem appears when the application is deployed as a docker container. The session got resetted after each release, since the machine key is changing.
The Data Protection Module should be used to store these key in a textfile, which can be stored outside of the container.
The full code example:
// Define key directory to keep the machine key the same
// when the docker container gets redeployed
var keyDir = new DirectoryInfo(builder.Configuration["AppKeyPath"]);
// Store session values into MongoDB
services.Add(ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IDistributedCache, MongoDbCache>());
// Enable sessions, keep data for 14 days
services.AddSession(options =>
options.IdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(14);
options.Cookie.HttpOnly = true;
options.Cookie.IsEssential = false;
// Change cookie expiration from "until browser close" to 14 days
services.AddCookiePolicy(opts => {
opts.CheckConsentNeeded = ctx => false;
opts.OnAppendCookie = ctx => {
ctx.CookieOptions.Expires = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(14);
The Sessions can be saved in any location. In my case it’s a MongoDB database. The only thing needs to be done is to implement the IDistributedCache Interface and register the class as a service.
public class MongoDbCache : IDistributedCache
private IDatabaseContextService context;
private DTO.ISessionStorageSettings settings;
private DateTime lastCleanup = DateTime.MinValue;
public MongoDbCache(IDatabaseContextService context, DTO.ISessionStorageSettings settings)
this.context = context;
this.settings = settings;
public byte[]? Get(string key)
var task = this.GetAsync(key);
return task.Result;
public async Task<byte[]?> GetAsync(string key, CancellationToken token = default)
await this.EnsureCleanup();
var item = (await this.context.Sessions.FindAsync(v => v.Key == key, null, token)).SingleOrDefault();
if (item != null && (await this.IsExpired(item)) == false)
return item.Value;
return null;
public void Refresh(string key)
public async Task RefreshAsync(string key, CancellationToken token = default)
await this.EnsureCleanup();
var opts = new ReplaceOptions() { IsUpsert = true };
var item = (await this.context.Sessions.FindAsync(v => v.Key == key, null, token)).SingleOrDefault();
if(item != null)
item.ExpiresAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(this.settings.ExpiresAfter);
await this.context.Sessions.ReplaceOneAsync(v => v.Key == key, item, opts, token);
public void Remove(string key)
public async Task RemoveAsync(string key, CancellationToken token = default)
await this.EnsureCleanup();
await this.context.Sessions.DeleteOneAsync(v => v.Key == key, token);
public void Set(string key, byte[] value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options)
this.SetAsync(key, value).Wait();
public async Task SetAsync(string key, byte[] value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options, CancellationToken token = default)
await this.EnsureCleanup();
var opts = new ReplaceOptions() { IsUpsert = true };
var item = new DTO.Session()
Key = key,
Value = value,
ExpiresAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(this.settings.ExpiresAfter),
await this.context.Sessions.ReplaceOneAsync(v => v.Key == key, item, opts, token);
private async Task<bool> IsExpired(DTO.Session session, bool delete = true)
if (session.ExpiresAt < DateTimeOffset.Now)
if (delete)
await this.context.Sessions.DeleteOneAsync(v => v.Key == session.Key);
return true;
return false;
private async Task EnsureCleanup()
if (this.lastCleanup < DateTime.Now - this.settings.CleanupInterval)
var maxAge = DateTimeOffset.Now - this.settings.ExpiresAfter;
var items = await this.context.Sessions.FindAsync(v => v.ExpiresAt < maxAge);
var itemKeys = (await items.ToListAsync()).Select(v => v.Key).ToArray();
await this.context.Sessions.DeleteManyAsync(v => itemKeys.Contains(v.Key));
this.lastCleanup = DateTime.Now;