Control Home Assistant Enities with Windows / PowerShell
· christian · home assistant, powershell, smart home, windows
The Home Assistant API allows it to control Smart Home Entities very easily from any scripting language. The following Power Shell Script allows it to toggle, turn on or turn off entities like switches or lights.
If the parameter -networkAdapterMac
is defined, the script first checks if this interface is
available and online. This is used to ensure, that a Laptop is connected to a certain docking
#Requires -Version 7.4
Toggle a Home Assistant Entity
Toggle a Home Assistant Entity like a light
Author: Christian <>
.\toggle-entity.ps1 -hassUrl "" -apiKey "XXXXX" -action turn_on -entityName"
.\toggle-entity.ps1 -hassUrl "" -apiKey "XXXXX" -action turn_off -entityName"
.\toggle-entity.ps1 -hassUrl "" -apiKey "XXXXX" -action toggle -entityName"
.\toggle-entity.ps1 -hassUrl "" -apiKey "XXXXX" -action toggle -entityName" -networkAdapterMac "0A-00-27-00-00-09"
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateSet('turn_on', 'turn_off', 'toggle')][string]$action,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$networkAdapterMac = ""
if ($networkAdapterMac -eq "" -or (Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.MacAddress -eq "$networkAdapterMac" -and $_.Status -eq "Up" }).Length -gt 0)
$secureApiKey = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$apiKey" -AsPlainText -Force
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri "$hassUrl/api/services/homeassistant/$action" `
-Method POST `
-Authentication Bearer `
-Token $secureApiKey `
-ContentType application/json `
-Body "{ ""entity_id"": ""$entityName"" }"